What does it mean to be without heritage?
Growing evidence suggests that second-generation immigrants from the Third World are more prone to crime than their parents. Unmoored from their motherland, unable to relate or see themselves in their homeland, these young people can suffer identity complexes, yearning for an country they have idealised in their head but never visited, resentful of the host nation who prioritise their own customs, history, religion and culture over those of newer arrivals.
But what of those children in the First World, who grow up in their homeland, and are taught nothing of its history, its stories, and songs?
Ed Dutton (The Jolly Heretic) and I examine the mounting identity crisis within Generation Z. Together we attempt to identify how this identity crisis manifests, its causes, and its remedies, wading through the murky mires of transgenderism, pornography, theories of mind, and shifting parenting techniques.
Drawing upon our generational gap and difference schooling experiences, Ed and I explore why Generation Z do not see to know as much as their forebears despite being the first generation to have limitless access to the internet.
Ed also shares his impressions of being a father and an expat in Finland, and I delve into my devastating brush with gender ideology. With each revelation, the two of come to recognise gaping and daunting ignorance each generation has for the experience of the other…
You can watch the extended and uncensored version of ‘Gen Z are NOT okay’ in full over at The Jolly Heretic.
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